Vida Health Tour

Anesthesıa and Reanımatıon

Anesthesia and Reanimation

Anesthesia and Reanimation is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with anesthesia, preoperative and postoperative care, pain management, and intensive care. Doctors specializing in this field aim to ensure that patients do not feel pain during surgical interventions and other medical procedures, provide preoperative assessment, manage anesthesia, and support patients’ recovery in the postoperative period.



Anesthesia involves the temporary elimination or control of consciousness and the sensation of pain. Anesthesiologists assess patients’ health status in the preoperative period and determine the anesthesia plan. During surgery, an anesthesiologist ensures that the patient receives appropriate anesthesia and continuously monitors vital functions (respiration, circulation, temperature, blood pressure, etc.). In this process, anesthesiologists use various medications, respiratory devices, and monitors to ensure patients’ safety and comfort.

Reanimation (Intensive Care) is the treatment process carried out to support and improve vital functions in cases of severe illnesses, trauma, or postoperative complications. Reanimation specialists work in intensive care units, supporting patients’ life functions using technological tools such as respiratory devices, heart monitors, enteral or parenteral nutrition. They also deal with other aspects of intensive care, such as pain management, infection control, and organ transplantation.

Anesthesiologists and reanimation specialists specialize in various areas, including preoperative assessment, anesthesia management, pain control, emergency interventions, and intensive care services. They ensure the safe and comfortable conduct of the surgical process and assist patients in their recovery by managing their health conditions optimally. Additionally, they contribute to the development of innovative treatment methods and procedures by keeping up with advancements in anesthesia and intensive care techniques.