Vida Health Tour

Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery

Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery

Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery are medical specialties that focus on the care of children and pediatric surgical interventions, respectively.

Pediatrics evaluates and treats the physical, mental, and emotional health of children. Pediatricians follow children from birth to adolescence. These doctors monitor the growth and development of children, perform routine check-ups, administer vaccinations, diagnose and treat illnesses in children. They also provide guidance to families regarding nutrition, sleep, behavior, and development.


Pediatric surgery, on the other hand, focuses on the field of pediatric surgery. These specialists treat congenital anomalies, post-traumatic injuries, tumors, infections, and other conditions that require surgical intervention in children. Pediatric surgeons are specially trained surgical experts who specialize in safely performing surgical procedures in children. Some common procedures performed by pediatric surgeons include appendectomies, hernia repairs, organ transplants, surgical corrections of congenital heart diseases, and other surgical procedures.

Both pediatrics and pediatric surgery possess specialized knowledge and expertise in child health and development. Understanding the growth and developmental processes in children, treating them, and providing support to families are important focal points for both disciplines. The pediatric healthcare team works collaboratively to protect children’s health, treat their illnesses, and ensure a healthy future.