Vida Health Tour

Body Aesthetıcs

Body Aesthetics

An introductory explanation about body aesthetics:

Body aesthetics is a medical discipline that involves surgical and non-surgical procedures performed to enhance the appearance of the body. It is a field chosen by individuals to feel better about themselves, boost their self-confidence, or correct certain physical flaws.


Body aesthetic procedures can encompass various areas, including:

  1. Liposuction: The removal of excess fat deposits from the body through vacuum suction. It is commonly used to reduce fat accumulations in the abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms.

  2. Abdominoplasty: A surgical procedure aimed at correcting sagging or loosened skin and muscles in the abdominal area. It is often preferred after childbirth or significant weight loss.

  3. Breast aesthetics: This includes procedures such as breast augmentation, reduction, or lift. It involves increasing breast volume using implants or reshaping the breast tissue.

  4. Gluteoplasty: Also known as buttock aesthetics, this procedure is performed to improve the shape or volume of the buttocks. It can involve the use of gluteal implants, fat grafting, or other techniques.

  5. Body contouring: These procedures aim to address skin laxity or sagging in the body, especially after weight loss. Examples include arm lift, thigh lift, or back lift.

  6. Spot reduction: These procedures target unwanted fat deposits for reduction. Techniques such as lipolysis, ultrasound, or laser technology are used to target and eliminate fat cells.

  7. Non-surgical procedures: In the field of body aesthetics, there are also non-surgical procedures available. These can include dermal fillers, laser lipolysis, or skin tightening treatments.

Since body aesthetic procedures may involve surgical intervention, they should be performed by a specialized surgical team. Each procedure may have different risks, recovery times, and outcomes, so it is important to consult with a professional. It is also essential to consider that aesthetic surgery may not be suitable for everyone, and managing expectations is crucial.